ilDance, the Swedish partner organisation in iCoDaCo, is coordinating this unique workshop where local artists can meet, move and exchange with the international collective. The workshop is suitable for professional dance artists, both performers and makers.
The collective is interested in sharing their broad experiences with local artists in Gothenburg and Västra Götalandsregionen and enrich’ their experience whilst touring it will come later in Sweden
The workshop will include a warmup session and then a sharing and experimentation with an array of movement and choreographic methodologies which have been utilised by iCoDaCo during the collective creation processes of it will come later.
iCoDaCo developed specific approaches and creation methods which are informed and supported by the cultural and artistic diversity within the collective and these will be the main focus in the workshop.
Send an email to subject line: Workshop It will come later.
The workshop is free of charge for members of Danscentrum Västs. Non-members will be charged a symbolic fee of 200 SEK