The first icodaco residency
The artists partaking in iCoDaCo 2024-2027 all came together in their respective collectives for the first in-real-life residency of the project. This residency, which is part of the Knowledge Production portion of the project, brought together the collectives to commence their joined research and creative processes by igniting connections and relations within each collective and amongst the 10 collectives in the project.
The intention for this residency was to process ideas and proposals around sociality, collectivity and the question: Why dance?
Practices, methods and experiments were shared within the context of each collective and were also exchanged amongst collectives to already foster potentials of cross-pollination and dynamic exchange.
At the end of the week each collective offered their contribution to a shared platform where all artists could view all the content. Then all the collectives convened online and reflected on their own experiences from the week, the contributions that they offered to the shared platform and engaged in opportunities to exchange with artists from other collectives.
The described methodology will continue to support the Knowledge Production component of iCoDaCo 2024-2027 until Spring 2026.