Agnese Krivade

Agnese Krivade (1981) is a contemporary artist and poet who works on the intersection of text and body. She considers her work, in form of cross-disciplinary durational performance, to be essentially choreographic. Making a name as a poet, she later "quit" the language and pursued dance education, mostly using non-formal means (workshops, classes and festivals) and studying Dance and Somatics in the Easter-Finland Sports institute in Joensuu, Finland. She describes herself as ‘a slow dancer, fake healer, and motivational speaker’. Among her latest work: "UNDOING_01" (Summer 2024, Drusti), a choreographic retreat for burnt-out artists and creative workers; Malleus Malleficarum (2023, Riga/Tallinn), physical theatre show, co-author and performer. She currently studies Body-Mind Centering and is fascinated by somatics, phenomenology, ecofeminism and Eastern European narratives. 


Aigars Larionovs


Agate Bankava