iCoDaCo 2018 - 2020 in Cardiff September 2018 by Lee Brummer

iCoDaCo 2018-2020 arrived in Cardiff. Multilingual bathroom shelf.

iCoDaCo 2018-2020 arrived in Cardiff. Multilingual bathroom shelf.

13 September 2018

One step forward, 1 step back, 1 drop to floor
In hebrew we say “things that we see from here you can’t see from there” it doesn’t translate that well, yet the essence remains. Step back, step out and you will see things from a different angle and discover something new. Sometimes seeing something from up close make it blurry.

Today I unfortunately sprained my ankle. In an ecstatic attempt to sweat my heart out, exhaustion kicked in and I lost concentration for a moment which was long enough for me to go over my ankle and hit the floor.

*enter frustration

*enter sadness

On the upside, it was incredible to witness what was going on from the outside. Eddie had an idea for which we needed to collect sweat in jars, I will not expand on this due to potential spoiler... but for this reason the collective needed to produce large amounts of sweat (Joseph excelled at and won this task). It was incredible to see the focus, determination and also fun in the room during the morning sessions. There was a light heartedness together with immense will power. Everyone dressed in bin bags (we found this produces more sweat) working towards the same task, even if in their own way. The clear goal, and product that we were trying to achieve made the journey pretty mad. Each individual brought their strength and their support for each other into this task and it was quite touching to witness. This may have been the first time we were all totally on the same page.

Sad I had to watch it from the outside.

My foot after the fall

My foot after the fall

Collecting sweat.

Collecting sweat.

… and more sweat.

… and more sweat.

15 September 2018

One of these weeks, where the beauty and struggle of creating a collective work, has shown

its 2 very different heads. Often in collective processes I feel conversations become like mini peace processes. Diplomatic, but with an underlining of frustration when people want different things and are trying to uncover the common ground with hope that it is wide enough for both, or in this case all, sides to stand on.

As time goes on we discover more and more the commonalities within the collective and also, our differences in volume, in tone, in the filters through which we see things, our attractions and our ways of communication.

The moments we see eye to eye our magical. From the moments when we don’t, we learn and grow the most. We are challenging each other and through this challenging ourselves.

We are still getting to know each other on so many levels. What are the other interested in?

What is their process? How do they touch? Whats on their shelf in the fridge?

The journey continues...

Learning about one another.

Learning about one another.

18 September 2018

Progress has been made,
tracing memories,
tracing thoughts,
undoing patterns.

Not understanding.

Try again,
try different
just try.

All for one
one for one
one for all.

Project on something
project on someone

Say it the same
say if different
say something.

Make it loud
make it meaningful
be aware
make it work

Weronika and me, communicating.

Weronika and me, communicating.

Israel Aloni

Independent contemporary dance artist, cultural entrepreneur and the artistic director of ilDance in Gothenburg, Sweden as well as Tr.IPP in Melbourne, Australia. 


Wales, 9-15 September 2018 by Joseph Lee


Notes from Tuesday 21st August