Wales, 9-15 September 2018 by Joseph Lee

It has been an intensive week!
The first time really sharing the space with 4 other collective members in the creation process is definitely nothing I could imagine before. It was full of surprises, sometimes frustration, overwhelming, yet exciting. It was not an easy process to keep generating new ideas, and each artist takes on very different path of creation. I am looking forward to what might come up at the end of the week!

Key words of the week

Before & After
Transformative moments in life
Anchor point
Direction of transformation


“Transformation is about how you adjust yourself in the current situation.” Weronika said. And that she actually takes on as her strategy to different tasks proposed by other artists this week--adaptation, adjustment, be present.


I led the open class with the collective together with local dance and performing artists. Mainly focus on sharing my practice on movements these days and it was so lovely to see how they take on the tasks and physical ideas. It offered me another angle to look closely at the collective as well as the other artists in the space.

Afternoon was my research on personal history, together with Simon and Kathy, who are the set and lighting designers of this production. We had some deep talks after some try-out on the visual ideas and possible way to research further. Totally burnt out from whole day of work, but the beautiful input of the collective made it worthwhile.


In the morning, the collective went on to take a Gaga class with Natalia Iwaniec at Rubicon Dance, which is one of the important dance venues in Cardiff. Trying to build up connection to the local community from a different approach as well as warming up our own bodies for the day ahead.

We started our process in the afternoon by writing upon our personal transformation. Sharing of stories, different trials on texts till 8pm today, definitely a LONG day.

Exiting the Rubicon after morning Gaga class

Exiting the Rubicon after morning Gaga class

Israel Aloni

Independent contemporary dance artist, cultural entrepreneur and the artistic director of ilDance in Gothenburg, Sweden as well as Tr.IPP in Melbourne, Australia.

From Edinburgh by Joseph Lee, written on 16th of August 2018


iCoDaCo 2018 - 2020 in Cardiff September 2018 by Lee Brummer