Reflections in Hong Kong, August 2018. / by Israel Aloni

Jacqueline Wong, iCoDaCo producer in Hong Kong wrote on the 17th of August:

Before the first open rehearsal taken place, I was hesitate to predict what reactions would come from the audience. Though the residency in Hong Kong was the first encounter of the collective after 8 months of online communication, the first open rehearsal was taken place on the fourth day of the residency which implied that we could expect very few to share with the audience. Surprisingly (at least to me), the audience has shown tremendous concentration and stayed curious throughout the one-hour-sharing, which started with improvisation by the collective and followed by a session led by Weronika that was inspired by the politically related statues of Poland.

Wayson Poon, dancer from Hong Kong

Wrote on the 20th of August 2018, in reflection on the iCoDaCo work in progress sharing in Hong Kong:

Simple yet decent, the ambience in the room was one of the enticements to the audience. The immense possibilities created by the collective, of which each member comes from a unique cultural background, dance training and practice, made me curious for how the work will be developed in the following creative residencies in other countries.