Anna Szepes
Anna Szepes is a theater maker, facilitator and dramainstructor. Her practice is centered around applied theatre and interdisciplinary community projects where performative art becomes a tool of collective thinking, play and expression. In Budapest she’s co-leading the artmediation department of Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, where they build bridges to the audience by devising interdisciplinary participatory performances, movement and drama workshops, and knowledges sharing platforms. She centers social and political issues through personal narratives, often collaborating with marginalized communities and experts of NGOs. She likes to use attistic research, forum theatre and other action methods. As a participant, a facilitator or a performer she likes to think in horizontal, long-term collaborations, questioning status quos, beig curious together, mixing different experties, observing and intervening in social choreographies by creating space for surpassing reality with yearned fictions. She’s part of DePART (Decentralized Practices of Active Remembrence and Theatricalization) an international collective focusing on active remembrance and embodied memories. Her current interests are the sustainable ways of creating communities, the theatricality of public spaces, nonverbal/somatic interactions, and practicing resistance which she’s intrigued to bring into and discuss with the IcoDaCo community.